Domestic Events Timeline 1927

Domestic Events - June 1927

June 15.—The United States Treasury receives approximately $89,000,000 in war-debt payments and about $400,000,000 in income-tax payments.

President and Mrs. Coolidge arrive in Custer State Park, South Dakota, where they will take up their summer residence.

Colonel Lindbergh is the guest at luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York and the Merchants' Association, jointly.

June 16.—Colonel Lindbergh makes a triumphal tour of Brooklyn, attends a celebration at Roosevelt Field, where he hopped off for Paris May 20, and is the dinner guest of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce.

June 17.—Tommy Armour wins the open golf championship of the United States, defeating Harry Cooper by a margin of three strokes, 76 against 79.

Colonel Lindbergh arrives in St. Louis from New York, and receives a tremendous welcome.

June 18.—St. Louis holds holiday in honor of Colonel Lindbergh.

June 19.—Colonel Lindbergh demonstrates his prowess in the air to the people of St. Louis, and afterwards receives his commission as Colonel in the Missouri National Guard and in the United States Army Reserve Corps.

June 20.—Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood, Governor-General of the Philippines, arrives in Seattle, on his way to confer with President Coolidge.

Rates of pay for firemen, hostlers, and helpers of the twelve principal railroads in southeastern territory are increased by amounts ranging upward to forty cents a day under an arbitration award through the United States Board of Mediation.

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