Learn about Life in the 1920s

Decorative Hat Trimmings

Decorative Hat Trimmings: The inclination of all amateurs is to over-load a hat with trimmings, which is not in good taste and necessarily adds to the cost. The simpler the design the better, but this must be complete in itself.

In purchasing feathers or wings it is well to remember that a good ostrich plume or tips will wear many years, while cheap ones will hardly pay for cleaning or redressing. Good firm-made wings will with care easily last two seasons, while cheap ones are very likely to be blown to pieces in a good stiff wind. The natural wings from domestic fowl, cleaned and dressed, are far stronger than the artificially made wings. A good many domestic fowl, including turkeys, ducks, guinea fowl, and pigeons, have beautiful plumage, which, properly preserved and cured, makes handsome hat trimmings.

When the hat is made and the trimming decided on, the effect of the principal piece, such as feather, wing, cluster of flowers, etc., should be studied with the hat on the head, before a mirror, and with a hand mirror, so that back and side views may be judged of, because one often finds a trimming becoming in a face view, when from the side or back it will give a quite impossible line.

Trimming is that part of millinery which cannot be taught; it must be studied by each one for herself; and the results will show if she has good taste and a good eye for effect.

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Binding Hat | Braid Hats | Childrens Bonnet | Cleaning Millinery | Clean Millinery | Color and Millinery | Covering Hat Frame | Covering Hat Frames | Frames and Hats | Hat Feathers | Hat Ribbons | Hat Trimmings | Home Millinery | Lining Hat | Millinery Materials | Pliable Braid Hats | Shirred Facings | Shirred Hats | Simple Hat Frames | Stiff Braid Hats